To send in all simplicity a vocal mail starting from a direct recording via the integrated tape recorder. To regulate the quality of recording (3 levels of quality). To recognize and to integrate sound files into the extensions .wav, .mp3, .au, .wma, .aif et .mid To reduce to the extrem the audio data resulting from the direct recordings according to the criterion of excellence: 1 second = 1 Kilo! To associate or not a textual file formatted and translated in HTML format. To join to the mail an unlimited number of joined pieces. To allow the recipient automatically to read the vocal mail without installing the least plugin. To warn the recipient that the received mail is sonorous and that it is necessary him to put on its speakers (an adapted message is thus conveyed with your mail). To manage an address book. To import an existing address book. To manage several users with various adjustments, various address books, etc.. To use the function multi-recipient of the type Carbon Copy. To send Cards, sonorous messages (with animation), ready with the sending and opening automatically in the software mail of the recipient. To use in an optimal way the short cuts keyboard. Etc.