AirGrab WiFi Radar is a tool to display information about Apple Airport base stations and other WiFi wireless access points. Using AirGrab WiFi Radar you can determine most popular WiFi channels and select optimal channel for your.
IP Watcher monitors your public and local IP address. If your IP address changes it will send an email or SMS Text Message alert containing the new IP address. This alert also includes the computer name, local ip address and time the change occurred.
IP Watcher monitors your public and local IP address. If your IP address changes it will send an email or SMS Text Message alert containing the new IP address. This alert also includes the computer name, local ip address and time the change occurred.
NetWrix File Server Change Reporter is a free tool to audit file server changes. The tool sends daily reports about all file server changes: file and folder changes, shares, and permissions with previous and new values of configuration values.
NetWrix Event Log Archiver is a free tool to automatically consolidate and archive Windows event logs across the network. The tool collects and consolidates event logs from multiple servers and archives them in a central location.
NetWrix Logon Reporter is a freeware product for logon event archiving and reporting. The product consolidates the logon events from all Active Directory domain controllers and archives them. The commercial version provides reporting capabilities.
IP Watcher monitors your public and local IP address. If your IP address changes it will send an email or SMS Text Message alert containing the new IP address. This alert also includes the computer name, local ip address and time the change occurred.
NetWrix Services Monitor is a free tool that automatically tracks critical Windows services. If a service fails to start or accidentally stops, the tool sends e-mail alert to admin and automatically restarts the service