DomainKing is a WHOIS domain name checker which can find free, taken and expired domain names on over 100 domain extensions. Among it's useful features is also the ability to generate domains based on keywords, search the web for domains, generate misspelled domains and extract domains from fileformats used by and DomainKing was designed with efficiency in mind, which means that it's able to check and process more than 100,000 domains per session while still remaining stable. This makes it ideal for the use in finding expired domains. DomainKing features a very large and flexible database to keep track of all the generic top-level domains (gTLD's) and many country code top-level domains (ccTLD's). When you're checking a list of domains you will get detailed WHOIS information that tells you things like when a registered domain name expires and what it's current status code is. The filtering tools help you make sure that only useful domains remain in the list. Results can be exported to a detailed HTML, Text, CSV or XML report. Download, explore, and try it for free without obligation for as long as you like!
? Supports up to 500 simultaneous connections
? Automatically retries failed and timed out attempts
? Find free, taken and expired domain names
? Generate domains based on keywords
? Search the web for domains
? Generate misspelled domains
? Extract domains from Pool and Snapnames
? Load domains from file and add them manually
? Dynamic database allows you to update or add new extensions
? Detailed progressreports in HTML, Text, CSV or XML
? Filter out or keep domains with extensions of your chose
? Filter out domains that contain or doesn't contain specific strings
? Ability to perform manual WHOIS lookups
? Most powerful program on the market in it's category
? And much more..