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Main » Files » Programming » ActiveX

Entries in category: 655
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Pages: « 1 2 ... 29 30 31 32 33 ... 65 66 »

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This engine allow to read and load the external Paradox tables into any MS Jet/ADO datasource

No any external libraries for Paradox reading (no BDE, ODBC etc) - native, direct and fast record loading. Just specify the target MS J
ActiveX | Views: 65 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

PanelMeter is an ActiveX control for VB6 which can behave like a 3D panel, a frame container, or a progress meter. Any of these behaviors can be setup with just a few simple property page changes.
ActiveX | Views: 61 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

This ActiveX allows the drawing of different figures in a variety of styles on any background picture.
ActiveX | Views: 73 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

Oxygen SMS7110 ActiveX Control allows you to send text and picture messages,
read and write default SMS centre number. The control can be incorporated into
any programming environment that supports ActiveX controls (e.g. AS
ActiveX | Views: 59 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

Oxygen SMS ActiveX Control allows you to send text, logos, ringtones, receive messages, read and write default SMS centre number, get stored message total and busy count, their locations, read and delete from SMS inbox, get various phone parameters.
ActiveX | Views: 55 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

The developer tool for providing an access to various Nokia phone capabilities from a Windows program. Can be used in any programming environment supporting ActiveX.
ActiveX | Views: 62 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

Browse all the folders of Outlook Express. Extract attachments from Outlook Express message. Export Outlook Express Message to eml file format. View Message in Outlook Express window. Get number of Attachment of each Outlook Express
ActiveX | Views: 62 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

OsenXPSuite 2006 provides Windows GUI software engineers with numerous activeX components that have been thoroughly designed and tested also are engineered to help you create modern interfaces without writing much line of source code.
ActiveX | Views: 161 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

OsenXPSuite 2005 Enterprise Edition v10
ActiveX | Views: 58 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)

Smart user interface for visual basic developer
ActiveX | Views: 57 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: File-Post | Date: 29.01.2011 | Comments (0)


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