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A Visual Basic custom control that lets you determine the number of files in a ZIP file plus many items of useful information about each file, including the compressed size of each file, its 32-bit CRC, its date stamp, time stamp, associated comment, name, method of compression, and full uncompressed size. |
MD4 and MD5 message digest algorithms in a COMComponent. |
Component implements TCP/IP socket communications in a synchronous way for the server and client environments. |
An addin to Visual Basic 5.0 that makes any application usable through the tools-menubar in VB5. |
Emulating the Windows 95 flat button look has been no easy task, especially if you want your buttons to look AND act EXACTLY as other commercial programs (Office 4.3, Office 95, etc.) do. Yes, there are a few controls on the market - VB comes with the a graphic button control - but they just dont function and look exactly like a *real* button should. wmsbtn32.ocx DOES! |
Visual Basic RS232 serial port communications component library. Control multiple ports simultaneously. Includes line status/control, modem control,ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM, virtual ports (USB to serial, Bluetooth serial, hardware/software flow control. |
Queries a database at either the InterNIC or MILNET to get information about a user, domain or host. This information includes name and address (at least). All domains and hosts are listed in this database (at least, they should be).The WhoIs control complies with RFC 954. |
Provides a quick and easy way to get stock quotes into your Visual Basic or VB for Applications program. Once there, you can do what you like! |
Provides a quick and easy way to download WebPages into your Visual Basic or VB for Applications program. Once there, you can do what ever you like! |
This is a simple Visual Basic DLL used to play a wave file within an appplication. |