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Main » Files » Programming » ActiveX

FlexCell Grid Control v5.6.6
28.01.2011, 23:10
FlexCell is a flexible and easy to use grid control. Using FlexCell Grid Control, you can create the professional user interfaces and report form in your application.

FlexCell Grid Control provides comprehensive functions such as Print, Print Preview, Chart, Merge Cell, Virtual Grid, Sort, Import (from) and Export (to) XML, Export to Excel Workbook (no need of Excel runtime support), etc. It provides 6 cell types and 9 programming objects.

FlexCell Grid Control supports standard Microsoft Windows ActiveX interface, it can be used in your applications coded in Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Visual C++,, C#, etc.

Category: ActiveX | Added by: File-Post
Views: 69 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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