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Main » Files » Programming » ActiveX

Image Viewer CP Pro PDF SDK ActiveX 4.2
29.01.2011, 00:46
Convert PDF, PSD, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, TIF image files to true color PDF file. Convert multipage TIFF to multipage true color PDF. Powerful zoom in, zoom out, panning, auto zoom and auto scrolling when drawing selection rectangle. Split Merge, Swap, Delete Add page of multi-page TIFF File with a single function call at a specified location without displaying or decoding any of the images. Support Lightness, Brightness, Contrast, Diffuse, Emboss, FocalBW, Gamma, InvertColor, Monochrome, Noise, SharpenEdge adjustment, AntiNoise and more effects. Loading and printing PDF,BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPEG 2000, J2K, PCX, PNG, PSD, TIF, WMF, WBMP, TGA, PGX, RAS, PNM image files. Support save as BMP, GIF, ICO, JP2, JPC, JPEG, PCX, PDF,PGX, PNG, PNM, RAS, TGA, TIF, WBMP. Support save as multipage TIFF images ( Packbits, LZW, CCITT G.3 and G.4). Create multipage TIFF images from BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO, TIF Files. Advanced multi-page printing, including Print more than one image on the same page, Print range of pages from a multi-page file, Print multi-page images in single print jobs, Stretch an image to fit the printed page. Draw overlay image with watermark style and adjust transparent color. Read, write EXIF image

Category: ActiveX | Added by: File-Post
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