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Main » Files » Programming » Components and Libraries

AquaSkin.Net 1.1
28.01.2011, 16:30
AquaSkin.Net transforms your .NET application GUI to look like the popular OS-X Aqua visual style. Once the component is dropped onto your main form it will automatically skin all application forms, controls and dialogs, without you needing to modify any project source code

Aqua styles are applied to virtually everything in your .NET application including all forms, controls, common dialogs, message box, exception dialogs, native win32 controls and scrollbars. The component has a flexible API allowing the developer to customize the skin behavior.

Supports the following controls :-
Label, Button, RadioButton, CheckBox, ComboBox, TextBox, ListBox, CheckedListBox, HScrollBar, VScrollBar, PictureBox, ProgressBar, Statusbar, Trackbar, Toolbar, ListView, TreeView, NumericUpDown,DomainUpDown
ToolStrip, StatusStrip, MenuStrip, ContextMenuStrip

Supports the following container controls :-
Form, Panel, GroupBox, TabControl, TabPage, SplitContainer, FlowLayoutPanel, TableLayoutPanel

Supports the following common dialogs :-
OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, FolderBrowserDialog, Color Dialog, FontDialog, PrintDialog
Designed in 100% C#.NET and supports the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 ide's.

Category: Components and Libraries | Added by: File-Post
Views: 96 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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