New in ExcelLite v2.0:
- Full Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 support (assembly, samples, help files)
- Template support ? create new workbooks using existing workbook as a template
- Improved reading ? preserving images, formulas, print settings, summaries and other excel objects not directly supported by ExcelLite API
- Improved CSV reading / writing ? support for comma, tab and semicolon delimited files
- More samples ? samples for reading, conversion and template use
- Various cell data types (numbers, strings, dates, floating point etc.)
- International characters (Unicode support) and international date/time formats (custom number formatting)
- Cell styles (alignment, font properties, indentation, rotation, borders, shading, protection, text wrapping and shrinking, number formats etc)
- Font formatting (size, color, font type, italic and strikeout properties, different levels of boldness, underlining, subscript and superscript)
- Multiple worksheets
- Row and column styles, row height and column width
- Row and column grouping and outlining
- Merged regions
- Performance and feature samples
- Support for both XLS and CSV formats (both reading and writing)
Implementation details:
- 100% managed code
- Fully compliant with the Common Language Specification (CLS), so you can use it from any .NET language
- Programming interface which is fully object-oriented but still similar to Microsoft Excel object, so you can learn it easily
You can equally use ExcelLite from your desktop or web applications. ExcelLite is very fast (about 260 times faster than Microsoft Excel object) and with the small memory footprint.
In both TRIAL and full version you will receive samples for both Visual Basic .NET and C#, samples for Visual Studio .NET 2002, Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2, and our component compiled against .NET Framework 1.0, .NET Framework 1.1 and .NET Framework 2.0 Beta 2.