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Main » Files » Programming » Delphi Tools and Components

Delphi SWF SDK 3.0
28.01.2011, 20:18
Contains pure Object Pascal library for creating Shockwave Flash movies (SWF) without using any external dynamic library.

Main Delphi SWF SDK features:

reads and recreates an existing SWF;
creates visual objects (shape, button, text);
creates advanced objects (morphing shape, sprite);
inserts various image formats (jpg, bmp, png, gif);
inserts wave and MP3 sound as event or streaming;
inserts FLV video;
native Delphi Canvas with HDC handle for WinAPI GDI functions;
imports Windows Metafile graphics;
all types of filling (solid, gradient, image);
Flash 8 effects (shadow, glow, edge, etc.);
supports device and embedded fonts;
supports Unicode font and text;
any transition and transformation; etc.

In version 3.0, following features added:
- FlashViewer engine functionality included;
- compatibility with all the latest versions of Delphi including Delphi XE;
- support of all versions of SWF including ver. 10;
- new features that allow to create animation easier and faster (like Motion Tween).

In Flash Actions:

embedded ActionScript Compiler with the full source code;
all modifications of the script version: ActionScript 1, object oriented ActionScript 2/3, FlashLite 1.1;
a log file of error compiles writing;
a low-level action instruction (like p-code) and bytecode coding.

XML technology supporting:

make SWF from XML file using swf-level and flash-level of the SDK;
save an existing SWF to XML file for recreating;
save all resources as internal XML or external files;
support a custom interpretation of standard and custom nodes.

Category: Delphi Tools and Components | Added by: File-Post
Views: 100 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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