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Main » Files » Programming » Delphi Tools and Components

ESBPCS for VCL 4.2.2
28.01.2011, 22:36
ESB Professional Computation Suite (ESBPCS) for VCL is a collection of over 6000 routines/methods and over 235 classes/components in over 140 units for Borland Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005/Win32 and BDS2006/Win32, which are aimed at making "data entry and manipulation easier" for Developers and their Customers.

Components included cover Integer Edits, Float Edits, Hex Edits, IP Address Edits, Percentage Edits, Date Edits, Time Edits, Date/Time Edits, Month Edits, Time Edits, Complex Edits, Fraction Edits, Currency Edits, Calculator Edits, Calendar Edits, Button Edits, Degree/Minute/Second Edits, Comboboxes, Month Comboboxes, Day of Week Comboboxes, Time Zone Comboboxes, Country Comboboxes, Duration Comboboxes, SpinEdits, Month SpinEdit, DOW SpinEdits, Duration SpinEdits, Currency SpinEdits, Vector Edits, Matrix Edits, Calculators, Calendars, Statistical Analysis, Labels, URL Labels, Math Labels, CheckBoxes, RadioGroups, CheckGroups, Memos, RichEdits and much more. As well, there are Data Aware versions of most of them.

Routines included cover Mathematics, Probability, Statistics, Complex Numbers, Fractions, Physics, Geometry, Astronomy, Longitude/Latitude, Unit Conversions, Strings, File IO, Registry, Financials, Country Lists, Holidays, Time Zones, Dates and Times, and much more.

Includes full source to all components .

Trial versions for Borland C++ Builder 5 and 6 also availabe.

Category: Delphi Tools and Components | Added by: File-Post
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