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Main » Files » Programming » Delphi Tools and Components

Etv Library 3.2
28.01.2011, 22:39
Full db component pack for rapid development of professional db applications. Powerful lookup components with show of several fields, filters, trees and multilevelness, advanced search, list sorting, direct editing, call of LookupDataSet edit form and other. DBGrid with powerful lookup and list fields, multiline headers, totals, cloning, print, fields visibility and other. Query and filter builder, end-user defining queries, auto substitution of a dataset and vice versa. Sorting datasets, including datasets as TQuery. Search of records, including datasets as TQuery. Components for little fixed lists. Edit forms calling mechanism Base db form. Popup menus for design and run time. Editing dataset data in design-time. Records cloning. Transparent search/replacing for DBRichEdit.

Category: Delphi Tools and Components | Added by: File-Post
Views: 95 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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