Founder Library is a set from more than 50 original components containing the most common elements of Microsoft Office 97. You can create high-quallity application for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Founder has these function: Menus and Toolbars like MS Office 98 with support MDI merge; Toolbar button, combo button, popup button, combo popup button; full customize at Run-Time mode; Cool Edit, Label, Panel, ComboBox, ListBox and Memo components Web controls; MS Office Assistan with animation and customization in Run-Time; Owner Draw Menus; Folder Menus with automation draw icons; Color menus like MS Office; and more. In addition Founder has: Two or more tool bars occupy the same row; Child MDI Menu merge; Support ImageList in the ToolBar Button Glyph and Menu Item Glyph; Transparent Icon of MDI Childer Window; The Menu Banner Support; Full Customize in Run-time Mode; ComboBox like MS Office 97; Web Style Components; and more.