SuperEdi is the ideal text editor for web site developers and programmers. Text files can be edited locally or directly on a remote server using the build-in FTP client.
Syntax coloring is included for HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, and can easily be extended for other languages. You can add powerful extensions to SuperEdi using TextPipe filters or by your own automation scripts written in JScript, VBScript or Perl. SuperEdi comes with a sample multi-level clip library, which you can extend with your own frequently used text clips.
Document tabs allow for quick navigation between multiple documents and the dockable directory tree helps you locate files quickly without opening the Windows Explorer. Context sensitive information is available via keyword lookup in any Windows help file or even in the MSDN library. A list of functions or headlines is automatically extracted from the text and enables quick navigation within large documents.
SuperEdi supports Unicode UTF-8, UTF-16 as well as many locale- specific encodings.
Available languages: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Greek