JVISION enables the user to visualize and navigate through program architecture while using a favorite Java IDE. Create an instant web site documenting an entire project. Navigate through a tree hierarchy of diagrams and click on a class to see JavaDoc HTML. JVISION Creates UML class diagrams from JAVA code or JAVA source. This enables the user to document existing Java applets and applications and to learn from other people's code. The new JVISION Documentor beta adds a project and diagram manager integrated with JavaDoc from Sun. Program features include: Update diagrams with one click reflecting code changes. Diagrams can be printed or pasted into other apps for easy collaboration with others. Filters enable the user to fine tune the level of detail displayed. HTML export will be available in an add on product. Simplifies the reuse of existing classes through the automatic generation of UML diagrams, blueprints which aid understanding code from a shared repository.