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Main » Files » Programming » Misc Programming Tools

MSSQLSemanticAnalyzer 1.0
29.01.2011, 02:54
MSSQLSemanticAnayzer is a software tool for MSSQL database developers. It will help you to find undetectable (by MSSQL Server) errors in T-SQL procedures and triggers: undefined procedure calls, extra/missing parameneters in EXEC statements, extra/missing OUT modificators in EXEC statements, missing @ sign in front of OUT variables in SELECT statements. Find all procedures that affect any selected Table/Field. Find all database Entry Points i.e. procedures that are not called from another one. Find all unaffected tables. Create Call Tree - the list of all procedures with sublists of procedures that are called from this one. Find all callers for every procedure. Create database statistics. Export reports in HTML and TXT files. It will save you days of hard labor.

Category: Misc Programming Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 94 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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