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Main » Files » Programming » Misc Programming Tools

SLSelector 1.1
29.01.2011, 06:13
Success of failure of the software projects greatly depends on right chose software development lifecycle model. Many software developers make the big mistake of using only one software development lifecycle model (SDLCM) for all software projects. Our tool helps avoid this problem.
Lifecycle Selector is a absolutely free, very useful and easy to use software engineering tool. Only answer Yes or No for some questions you can to select Software Lifecycle model maximally preferable for the project.
Supported software models:
? spiral model
? waterfall model
? incremental/iterative development model
? evolutionary prototyping model
? rapid application development (RAD) model
? V-shaped model

Category: Misc Programming Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 103 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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