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Main » Files » Programming » Misc Programming Tools

Stored Procedure Class Wizard 1.0
29.01.2011, 07:13
Stored Procedure Class Wizard (SPCW) is a developmenttool that can be used exclusively to generate classfiles (.cpp and .h) derived from MFC?s CRecordset forstored procedures. Currently SPCW supports MicrosoftSQL Server (6.5 and above), Sybase SQL Server (10.0and above), Sybase SQL Anywhere (5.5 and above), andAdaptive Server Anywhere (6.0 and above) and can beextended to any database. The idea is to speed up thedevelopment process of client-server projectsinvolving aforementioned packages under Windows NT/9x.SPCW is an extension to Microsoft Visual Studio'sclass wizard.

Category: Misc Programming Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 111 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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