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Main » Files » Programming » Misc Programming Tools

Visual Build Professional 6.0a
29.01.2011, 09:14
Visual Build Pro is a tool that enables developers, software process engineers, and build specialists to create an automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET/2005, Visual Studio Team System, Visual Basic, Visual C++, SourceSafe, eMbedded Tools, Borland Developer Studio, Delphi, JBuilder, C++Builder, ClearCase and more. Download the new build management solution for Windows and web developers and increase your productivity today! It's easy to put Visual Build Pro to work doing all that manual labor for you so you can focus on more important things. Visual Build Pro is a powerful but affordable build management solution that will automate the build process without a huge commitment of time, and it works with the tools you're using today. By using Visual Build Pro, you will... * Save time and money - If Visual Build Pro saves even a few hours of time per month, it will more than pay for itself in the first month alone. * Avoid boring jobs - Visual Build Pro performs the menial, repetitive tasks so you can focus on the fun, challenging stuff. * Eliminate key-person dependencies - "Tribal knowledge" about the build procedure (often kept only in people's heads) will be replaced by a documented build framework. * Create a permanent build record - XML project files and log files, which become part of your project's source code (and can be maintained in source control), provide a persistent, documented record of how builds are performed.

Category: Misc Programming Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 121 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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