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Windows AllCleaner is the original and most advanced privacy and PC cleaning tool. We invented this software category more than two years ago and since then more than one million customers worldwide have installed Windows AllCleaner on their PCs! |
Uninstall programs, clean and optimize your registry and speed up your computer. |
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the most complete uninstaller program ever created. You can uninstall programs completely and quickly using its simple and easy interface. You can also remove items that other uninstallers can't even touch. |
Advanced System Cleaner can free up disk space by uninstalling applications, deleting junk files that are no longer used, cleanup invalid information in your Registry, protect you by cleaning up all the unwanted history data on your computer. |
Protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your activities. |
Advanced File Shredder securely erases files or folders on your PC using seven pass US Government standard wiping and cryptographically strong random number key. Files shredded with this eraser software cannot be restored by any data recovery tool. |
Fast, powerful, and easy to use disk cleaner which frees up valuable disk space by finding and removing the many garbage and temporary files left behind by Windows programs. |
A handy utility for cleaning unwanted files off your harddisk. It can clean temporary files, backup files, and any other files you want removed. With Advanced Cleaner Lite, you can configure it to remove exactly the files you want deleted. And, you h... |
Adios! Extreme File System Cleaner by Martin Beek - safely removes 150+ application- and Windows garbage files from your computer. Fully configurable. Analysis, (de-)selection and deletion stages. Uses fast low-level filesearch routines. |
Uninstall unnecessary and unwanted Windows programs quickly and efficiently. |