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 Launched back in the summer of 2010, Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 is a properly good security software solution you could get to protect your Windows-powered computer. The awards that ... |
 Tomorrow is the 17th of March and we will be celebrating St Patricka??s Day. In a previous article I was telling you that in preparation for this joyous occasion, you cold decorate your Windows 7-powered ... |
 If you are a fan of AVG Technologies and its products and if you like to Beta test software products, then you will be glad to know that you can sign up to test AVGa??s latest product, AVG LiveKive codename AirSpace... |
 Kaspersky Lab, company that offers award-winning antivirus and mobile security software for home and corporate users, says that because mobile devices are now used more than ever and are an ... |
 Here are a couple of YouTube-related news that go well together. Popular video sharing site YouTube, as many of you already know, is owned by Google. Here comes the first news: Google has acquired ... |
 As you may remember, last month, Piriform, the privately owned UK software developer dedicated to creating top quality applications for Windows, updated its CCleaner application to include support for ... |
 As wea??ve already announced, Rovio Mobile, the developer of the incredibly popular Angry Birds game, is using the aforementioned game to promote Microsofta??s Bing. That is why Angry Birds and Angry ... |
 As I am sure you already know, Japan has been hit by a devastating earthquakel; and several powerful aftershocks; and a tsunami; and I also hear a nuclear power plant exploded. It is a big ... |
 We all know that Twitter is a popular social networking and micro-blogging service, just like we all know that YouTube is a popular video sharing site and Google is a popular search engine. Further ... |
 Earlier today we were reporting that Trend Micro, company that specializes in providing network antivirus and internet content security software, released Trend Micro Online Guardian for Families, a parental control tool ... |