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Add Another Million to the Tally 29 Million Concurrent Skype Users
Skype once again touted the popularity of its VoIP and IM application. Skype’s blogger-in-chief Peter Parkes announced today that the number of concurrent Skype users, the number of users who are online at a given moment, has gone up by one million. There are now 29 million concurrent users on Skype.

“We’ve passed another milestone – at approximately 1800 GMT yesterday, there were more than 29 million people online on Skype. Another record broken, and an opportunity for us to remind you that you can get Skype in all sorts of places – on your computer, on your mobile and even on your TV,” said Parkes.

People keeping track of these things (or is it just me?) will remember that back in January Skype announced that there are a grand total of 28 million Skype users online. The same Peter Parkes announced this important milestone at the time; he emphasized that only a week before the number of online users went up to 27 million.

“Almost exactly a week after we broke the 27 million barrier, we’ve done it again. At approximately 1800 GMT today, there were over 28 million people online on Skype at the same time – a new record,” announced Parkes on the 17th of January 2011.

To better put things in perspective, let’s look at this in a chronological order, because this going backwards approach is giving me a headache. The number of concurrent Skype users grew as follows:
  • In November 2009 there were 20 million concurrent users on Skype.
  • In November 2010 there were 25 million concurrent users on Skype.
  • At the start of January 2011 there were 27 million concurrent users on Skype.
  • By mid-January 2011 there were 28 million concurrent users.
  • It is now late February 2011 and the number of concurrent Skype users has gone up to 29 million.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (23.02.2011)
Views: 198 | Tags: Soft news, Software News, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates | Rating: 0.0/0
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