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Apple Celebrates 10 Billionth Download with $10K iTunes Gift Card
Do you have any idea how many apps have been downloaded from the App Store? According to the Cupertino-based software developer, people from all over the world have downloaded close to 10 billion apps. 10 billion, everyone will agree, is a big number. And since it is such a big number, Apple wants to celebrate – by running a sweepstakes.

The sweepstakes is pretty straightforward – if you are the one to download the 10 billionth app, you will receive a $10,000 iTunes Gift card.
“As of today, nearly 10 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store worldwide. Which is almost as amazing as the apps themselves. So we want to say thanks. Download the 10 billionth app, and you could win a US $10,000 iTunes Gift Card. Just visit the App Store, and download what could be your best app yet,” says Apple on the sweepstakes site.

If you don’t want to download an app, there’s a way to take part in the sweepstakes that doesn’t involve, well, downloading an app – you have to fill out a form. You can submit only 25 forms per day, per person. The same limit applies to those who do download apps – only 25 entries per iTunes account per day. Check out the official rules for more information.

Apple celebrated the download of the 1 billionth app back in April 2009. Then it celebrated the 5th billion download back in June, 2010. It is now the start of 2011 and the number of downloaded app from the App Store has gone up to 10 billion – or at least very close to 10 billion. It’s amazing to see how successful the App Store is and how many downloads it served over a relatively short amount of time.

The $10,000 iTunes Gift Card sounds enticing? I guess it does – but it’s less enticing that what Apple gave away when it celebrated 1 billion downloads. The company awarded 13-year-old Connor Mulcahey, the one who was lucky enough to download the 1 billionth app, a $10,000 iTunes Gift Card and an iPod Touch, a MacBook Pro, and a Time Capsule.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 186 | Tags: Soft news, Software News, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates | Rating: 0.0/0
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