Gmail Phone Numbers in Emails Appear as Links, Click'em to Call
Mountain View-based search engine giant Google has recently announced that if you send someone an email containing a phone number, or if you receive an email containing a phone number, said phone number will be displayed as a link. Why did Google turn the phone numbers into clickable links? Why to make it easier to call that phone number from within Gmail.
Gmail users in the good old US of A can call phone numbers in the US and Canada from within Gmail free of charge. Google didn’t charge for the phone calls back in 2010 when it added this bit of functionality, and said it would not charge for it in 2011 as well.
Have no idea what I am talking about? Didn’t know that you cold call phone numbers from within Gmail? If that is the case, then keep reading below and I will tell you a little story.
From 2008 until August 2010, Windows and Mac Gmail users could call other Gmail users by getting the voice and video plugin for Gmail. Why until August 2010? Because two very important things occurred in the month of August, last year.
Number 1: Google rolled out the voice and audio plugin to Linux users as well. After about 2 years of waiting, Linux users we’re finally getting to enjoy the same functionality that Windows users were enjoying for quite some time, but not as exciting as the second thing that happened.
Number 2: Google announced that it enhanced Gmail’s chat abilities by integrating Google Voice and giving Gmail users the option to make calls to landline and mobile phones from within Gmail. The plugin that allowed Gmail users to call other Gmail users also allowed them to call any phone number in the US or Canada free of charge.
Now that you know the story, you will undoubtedly want to get the abovementioned plugin that lets you chat with other Gmail users and make phone calls. You can grab it straight from Google here. Since you’re undoubtedly new to this, you may want to check out some tips on how to make the most of calling in Gmail.