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Google Enhances Image Search for Android and iPhone
Mountain View-based search engine giant Google via its Google Image Search feature provided a rather unsatisfying experience to Android and iPhone users out there. Google has decided to address this issue by revamping its mobile image search. The redesigned Google Image Search for mobile is now available for Android 2.1-powred devices and for iPhone 3.0+.

Here are the bits and pieces you can expect to get:
You no longer see one image at a time; you now get to see several thumbnails at a time. To maximize the number of images that can fit on the screen, the thumbnail are square. More thumbnails on the screen means you can go through more images at a faster pace.

In the past you could not pinch to zoom; now you can. You can also swipe to see the next or previous page of results. Alternatively you can tap the “Next” and “Previous” buttons, which are quite large.

Google Image Search for Android and iPhone has been optimized for speed. Not only will you get as many thumbnails as possible on the screen, the images will also load quickly when you browse.

A new, special image viewing page has been introduced. The image viewing page focuses on making the images you view as big as possible. When you watch an image, the buttons fade out after a few second. To go through the images, simply swipe from image to image.

A video presentation of the new Google Image Search for Android and iPhone is available on YouTube here.
To give the new Google Image Search for Android and iPhone a shot, simply go to on your mobile device and tap on “Images.”

The new Google Image Search for Android and iPhone provides support for a total of 38 languages.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 154 | Tags: Soft news, Software News, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates | Rating: 1.0/1
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