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Google Unveils New Chrome Logo
Yesterday, Mountain View-based search engine giant Google, pushed out an updated version of its Chrome browser on the dev channel. Google rolled out Chrome 11.0.696.12 for Mac, Windows, Linux and Chrome Frame on the dev channel. The interesting thing is not that it fixes several bugs – the interesting thing is that it comes with a new logo.

Check out the image presented below to see what I am talking about. The new logo is to the left and the old logo is to the right.

The current stable version of the Google-developed browser is Chrome 10.0 which graduated out of Beta last week and brought with it the following new bits and pieces:

Better JavaScript performance
The Crankshaft V8 JavaScript engine greatly improves JavaScript performance. The V8 JavaScript engine in Chrome 10 is 66% faster than the V8 JavaScript engine in Chrome 9.0. Referencing the fact that this is the Year of the Rabbit in Chinese culture, Jeff Chang, Product Manager, and Min Li Chan, Product Marketing Manager, said the JavaScript engine is “as quick as a bunny.”

Apps and extensions can run in the background
You no longer have to keep a Chrome window open if you rely on an extension or an app to get timely notifications for calendar events, incoming chat messages, and other things of the sort. Chrome 10 can run apps and extensions in the background which means apps and extensions can work with no Chrome window open.

Enhanced security
Outdated plugins are disabled by default by Chrome 10. The browser detects when a plugin is out of date and blocks it with a simple infobar; the infobar guides and helps the user update the plugin.
Chrome’s sandboxing technology now covers the integrated Flash Player. Flash is automatically updated to the latest version.

The settings pages open in a tab not in a dialog box.
Password sync is enabled by default.
The browser comes with a preliminary implementation of GPU-accelerated video, and a webNavigation extension API.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (17.03.2011)
Views: 313 | Tags: Soft news, Software News, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates | Rating: 0.0/0
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