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Introducing AVG LiveKive, a Free Cloud-Based Storage Solution
AVG Technologies, company that specializes in providing antivirus and internet security protection to home and business users, has recently announced the launch of the first Beta version of AVG LiveKive, which is a free, cloud-based storage solution. As AVG Technologies explained in a press release, LiveKive can be used for archiving and sharing data; customers can use AVG LiveKive to ensure their data is stored safely.

LiveKive offers 5GB of storage for free, meaning that users can upload up to 5GB of data to AVG LiveKive. Once uploaded to LiveKive, that data is stored safely and securely. Whenever users need to access their data, they can easily do so. AVG Technologies compared using AVG LiveKive to keeping money in a bank, referring to the fact that using the cloud-based storage solution to archive and share information is quite an easy task.

Chief Executive Office of AVG Technologies, J.R. Smith, offered this comment:
“With AVG LiveKive, AVG is taking its passion and expertise in free security technology to the cloud-based storage market. By storing information on our safe and secure servers, customers significantly reduce the temptation for thieves and hackers to attempt accessing files stored on an individual PC or mobile device.”

Earlier today AVG Technologies made the news here on FindMySoft because it made public the results of a survey it performed with the Ponemon Institute. A total of 734 US consumers over 18 who own an iPhone, Blackberry or Android-powered smartphone took part in this survey. The goal of the survey was to uncover if smartphone users are aware of the security risks associated with their mobile devices.

The survey found that one third of smartphone users are not aware of the increasing security risks associated with using their phones for financial purposes and to store personal data; and that only 29% of users considered using free or paid antivirus software to protect their personal devices.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (01.03.2011)
Views: 227 | Tags: Soft news, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates, Software News | Rating: 0.0/0
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