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iPhone OS 4 Beta 3 Has New Features
The next version of the operating system that powers the iPhone, has reached another milestone in its development process. The 3rd Beta version of the iPhone OS 4.0, which is scheduled to be released this June, has been released to developers. This is good news if you are, well, a developer.

There are good news for the regular iPhone user that is eagerly expecting the launch of the iPhone OS 4.0. Here are these good news: there are new features in this third Beta release. Here they are:
- A new widget controller for iPod music playback that you can access by swiping to the left.
- An orientation lock that disables the device’s portrait and landscape mode auto-switching. This one is similar to the orientation lock hardware switch on the iPad.

When the iPhone OS 4.0 will be rolled out, it will come with some 100 new features. Here are some of those features, as detailed by Apple when it showcased the iPhone OS 4.0 last month.

Multitasking and app freezing
Double click the home button and a list of running apps is displayed. Select a running app to switch to it. Take Skype for example. In the past when you navigated away from Skype, the app would just quit. Now it can run in the background. You can switch to another app, then return.

Local notifications
Send notifications from one app on the iPhone to another app on the iPhone. Say you’re using an app, then switch to another. In the “another app” you will receive a notification that something is up in the first app. Take the Skype example above. When Skype is running in the background and you receive a call, you'll see a notification on the screen. A single tap is enough to take that call.

5x digital zoom
This one is self explanatory

App folders

Sort apps into folders. A folder is automatically created when you drag one app icon onto another. The folder is also named automatically – the name depends on the App Store category of that app.

Game center
A centralized gaming service that connects games to one another. This service will be rolled out by the end of the year. It is similar to the PSN or Xbox Live multiplayer network.

New Mail App
The new mail app features the following: unified inbox, fast inbox switching, multiple Exchange accounts, threaded messages.

Ebook reader and ebook store – the same from the iPad.

Customizable backgrounds
Select the background your iPhone will use, just like jailbreakers have been able to do for quite some time.

Bluetooth keyboards
The iPhone OS 4.0 will support Bluetooth keyboards

New APIs
1500 new APIs

iAd advertising
Users will be shown interactive ads within apps. This feature will be added later this year. It is part of the iPhone OS 4.0 developer tools.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 183 | Tags: Soft news, Software News, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates | Rating: 0.0/0
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