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Linux Mint News: Fluxbox CE Returns, Community Site in the Works
The fact that Linux Mint 8 Main and Universal Editions, as well as Linux Mint 8 x64 Final, have been released is good news for the Helena fan. The fact that popular physics-based game World of Goo has been added to Linux Mint 8 Helena is even better news. But the good news do not stop there, there are two more.

The Fluxbox Community Edition was discontinued this year because its maintainer, Shane Joe Lazar, had some other business to tend to. Consequently there was no Fluxbox edition during the release cycle of Linux Mint 7 Gloria. According to Lead Linux Mint developer Clem Lefebvre, there is now a new Fluxbox CE maintainer, Kendall Weaver, which means the Fluxbox edition will return.

“I’m happy to welcome [Kendall Weaver] within the development team as the new maintainer of the Fluxbox Community Edition,” announced Clem Lefebvre. “His vision of the Fluxbox edition is a bit different and he’s interested in replacing some of the most popular software in order to make it even lighter. He’s already started to interact with the community on the forums and he will be getting the help and support of the development team.”

And now here’s the second good news: the Linux Mint team is developing a new site ( for the Linux Mint community. On the site you’ll be able to do the following:
- Comment and rate other users’ ideas on how to make Linux Mint better.
- Register your hardware devices; when Linux Mint does not work on your hardware, find users that have the same hardware, users that managed to get the software to work.
- Browse for software, rate software and install software (currently Software Portal)
- Propose new software.
- Stay in touch with the Linux Mint community.
- Have your own mini-blog.
- Subscribe to other mini-blogs. Comment and rate the articles posted on these mini-blogs.
- Comment and rate tutorials.

Please note that the website is in its early, alpha development phase. According to Clem Lefebvre, “we’re hoping to have a stable website for the upcoming release of Linux Mint 9.”

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 305 | Tags: Software News, Latest Software Updates, Software Reviews, Soft news | Rating: 0.0/0
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