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Opera 11.10 Beta and Choose Red Wallpaper Released
Norwegian software developer Opera Software has rolled out two things recently. Remember that back in February we were reporting that starting with Opera 11.10, all releases will carry a cool codename? At the time Opera Software said that the upcoming Opera 11.10 will carry the codename Barracuda.

The barracuda, as Opera Software explained at the time, is “a sleek fish with a torpedo-like body, dagger-like teeth, and a ferocious appetite. Built to hunt in the ocean, it relies on surprise, agility, and bursts of speed to overtake its prey. The barracuda can even consume larger fish.”

Here’s the news: Opera Software announced yesterday that Opera 11.10 codename Barracuda has been released to the public. If you would like to get the Beta, you can grab it straight from Opera here. Opera 11.10 Beta can boast about the following:

- It is faster than previous Opera versions.
- There are now an unlimited number of entries in Speed Dial. The new Speed Dial flow feature in Opera 11.10 Beta opens new Speed Dials dynamically as you add them. Check out a video presentation of Opera 11.10 Beta's new Speed Dial on YouTube here.
- New layout choices
- An improved zoom slider.
- Can automatically download the Flash plugin and install it in the background.
- Added support for CSS3's multi-column layouts and gradients, the Web Open Font Format (WOFF) and Google's WebP image protocol.

"In 2011, Opera will have a relentless focus on desktop," said Jan Standal, VP of Desktop Products, Opera Software. "Barracuda is our first release in the new year and shows off some of our freshest ideas to make your browsing easier. If you are already an Opera fan, you will appreciate the polish we added to Speed Dial, a favorite feature for many millions of people who use Opera. If you've never tried Opera, maybe Speed Dial will become your favorite feature. And, the best part? It only gets better from here."

Moving on, Opera Software also recently released a nice looking wallpaper called Choose Red. It is based on Morpheus’ famous quote when he asks Neo to choose between the blue and the red pill. Here’s the quote in case you forgot or don’t know it: “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.”

Neo chose the red pill – Opera software’s logo is a big red O, that sort of looks like a red pill. To celebrate Neo’s coice, Opera came up with the Choose Red wallpaper. Check out a preview of the wallpaper below; links to download the wallpaper beneath the preview.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (17.03.2011)
Views: 315 | Tags: Soft news, Software News, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates | Rating: 0.0/0
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