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Palm WebOS: The Hidden Powers of the Spacebar
The spacebar on your WebOS 1.4 powered Palm Pre Plus or Pixi Plus does one simple job – when you’re typing away, press the spacebar and, well, a space will be inserted in the text. This is the spacebar’s main function, to insert spaces in text. But it is not the only thing the spacebar can do. It has some hidden powers that you may not be aware of.

The spacebar can ensure you did not make any spelling mistakes. The Palm WebOS will auto-correct misspelled words, but only after you hit the spacebar. Furthermore, it will save you time by converting phrases like “how r u” to “how are you”. This way you can save time by not typing a lot.

If you wanted to say “how r u”, you can revert to the original spelling by hitting backspace.

The spacebar will also come in handy when you need to do some calculations. Press the spacebar while using the calculator on your Palm Pre Plus or Pixi Plus and advanced operations like square root and percentage will show up.

While using the Camera App, you can press the spacebar to capture a self-portrait. This is easier than tapping the screen, I think you will agree. If you keep your finger pressed on the spacebar, you can take a rapid succession of photos.

WebOS 1.4 is the latest version of the operating system that powers the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus. Version 1.4 of the operating system, which was rolled out this March, comes with the following features:
  • Capture, edit and share video;
  • Enhanced notifications – meaning the LED in the gesture area lights up and pulses when you have a notification. This works even if the screen is off. Furthermore, there are new notification sounds, and notification sounds in Messaging, Email, and Calendar can be customized.
  • Enhanced apps - Calendar, Phone, Messaging, and Email have new features.

Speaking of apps, do you know all the things you can do with the Email app in WebOS 1.4? If you don’t, check out this article.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 148 | Tags: Soft news, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates, Software News | Rating: 0.0/0
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