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Tasks Improvements Based on User Feedback
Tasks is a handy feature in Gmail, feature that allows you to easily add tasks you need to be on top off, set due dates or add notes, and once they’re done, tick them off the list. No matter how you access Gmail, the classic way by going to, or from your mobile phone, Tasks will always be there for you to easily access.

And speaking of easy access, Tasks will also show up on Google Calendar, helping you easily stay on top of your tasks, and there's a Tasks gadget for iGoogle as well.

Back in October the team behind Gmail asked users to share their thoughts on what would make Tasks better. The Mountain View-based search engine giant ran a poll for Tasks feature requests, allowing users to provide feedback on what would make Tasks better. The poll remained open until the 19th of November.

“If you’re using Tasks, you’ve probably thought about something you’d like us to improve or an additional feature you wish you had. Well, we want to hear your ideas — whether they’re for Tasks in Gmail, in Google Calendar, or on your phone. For the next few weeks, we’re running a poll for Tasks feature requests,” said back in October David Tattersall, Associate Product Manager.

Since the poll closed, the Google team has been busy looking over the feedback all the users have provided. A grand total of 17,000 people took part in the poll, and a grand total of 185,000 votes were cast. After looking over the feedback, Google decided to implement the following new features in tasks:
  • Ability to create repeating tasks
  • Reminders and notifications
  • Sharable task lists
  • Tasks API and synchronization
  • Visual distinction for overdue tasks

“We were blown away by the number of responses we received, with over 17,000 people participating and an overwhelming 185,000 votes. So thanks for all the feedback and stay tuned for changes to Tasks throughout the year. In the meantime, we wish you a productive (and Tasks-filled) 2011!” said David Tattersall.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 232 | Tags: Soft news, Software News, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates | Rating: 0.0/0
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