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Win a $50 Gift Card and Purchase T-Shirts, Hats, Mugs
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization that manages the domain and strives to promote the Linux operating system, would like to thank all the people out there who support Linux by getting an individual membership and by purchasing merchandise from the Store. During the month of December the foundation is running a promotion called the Linux Foundation Individual Membership Drive Drawing – we’ll call it the promo to keep it short and simple.

The promo goes something like this. Get an individual membership and you can win a gift card worth $50. You can use the money to buy T-shirts, mugs, hats and other things of the sort from the Store. To take part in the promo and potentially win a $50 gift card, you have until the 20th of December to sign up for an individual membership at

If you already have an individual membership, or if you simply don’t want to get one, you can take part in this promo as well. You will have to send a letter with your name, email and address to the Linux Foundation (the address is available in the promo’s official rules here). Your letter must get to the Linux Foundation on or before the 20th of December.

“The Store has all kinds of geek goodness. Even my 10-year-old niece loves the shirt I bought her from the Store. The Linux Foundation recently added some new items, such as the 'I Believe in Linux' mousepad. And my favorite, 'We Made IT,' (our community design win) is a must have if you plan on calling yourself a Linux Geek in 2011,” explained Director of Communications & Community with The Linux Foundation, Jennifer Cloer.

I’ve said it before, and I am going to say it again: getting an individual membership basically pays for itself. By getting and individual membership you get the following perks:
  • 35% off O’Reilly books and e-books.
  • 35% off No Starch Press Publications.
  • 15% off subscriptions to Linux Journal
  • 30% discount on the Linux Foundation’s LinuxCon and Japan Linux Symposium events
  • 20% discount on registration fees for Linux Foundation training courses
  • For every $40 order from you will get $10 off
  • Free Linux Foundation T-shirt, weekly “Linux Briefing Book”, your own email address.

And the following extra perks:
  • Employee purchase pricing from HP, Lenovo and Dell: a discount of up to 40% for Lenovo devices , standard employee purchase pricing from HP and Dell. Linux Foundation members will also get a best price guarantee from Dell.
  • With a one time fee of $150 you can make your email address permanent. This means that even if you do not renew your Linux Foundation individual membership, you get to keep the email account for life. Please note that the offer applies to existing members. New members will have to pay a total of $249 which includes the lifetime email account and the first year’s membership.

If you get an individual membership, you can use the $50 gift card to purchase some of this cool merchandise.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 208 | Tags: Soft news, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates, Software News | Rating: 0.0/0
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