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Wolfram Alpha with Linked Results and 'Dog-Ear Peelbacks'
Wolfram Alpha is starting a new year with a new look on the site. As the team behind the behind the computational knowledge engine developed by British-born physicist and Mathematica creator Stephen Wolfram explained, the site had to be reorganized in order to “allow expansion for upcoming consumer, enterprise, and developer products.”

“When visiting the site you’ll notice an updated version of your home page. Once you’re there, ' take a quick tour ', visit the newly redesigned product pages, and explore resources and tools,” said the Wolfram Alpha team.

Linked results and “dog-ear peelbacks” are part of Wolfram Alpha’s new look. If you search for Chicago for example, you will notice that a few blue underlined links. If you click on a link, you will perform a new search based on the link you clicked.

According to Wolfram Alpha, Chicago has a population of 2.853 million people. This number is a linked result when you search for Chicago; click it and you will be taken to the search results for “2.853 million people.” You will find that 2.853 million people generated about 200 megawatts of heat.

Linked results is a great option because it allows you to “dig deeper into Wolfram|Alpha and see more related information” said the Wolfram Alpha team.

The “dog-ear peelbacks” are present in the left corner of each pod. When you place the mouse cursor over an dog-ear, the “save as image” and “copyable plaintext” options will show up.

In related news, the Deck the Halls with Facts and Knowledge competition that was launched by Wolfram Alpha in time for the winter holidays has come to an end. Click here if you want to see all the entries and if you want to check out the winners.

Image of the blue underlined links that show up when you perform a search

Image of the dog-ear peelbacks

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 228 | Tags: Soft news, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates, Software News | Rating: 0.0/0
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