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World of Goo for iPhone Coming This March, Hopefully
2D Boy, the company founded by former EA Arts developers Kyle Gabler and Ron Carmel, announced that the popular and award winning World of Goo game will be ported to Apple’s iPhone mobile device. Right now Apple fans can only enjoy World of Goo on the iPad, there's no iPhone version. 2D Boy said that World of Goo for iPhone will be rolled out this March – hopefully.

“World of Goo on iPhone! We’re just about finished, and hope to release the game in the App Store as soon as finishing cramming the last of the Goo Balls inside. In the meantime, here are some answers to some “frequently” asked questions,” said 2D Boy in a blog post made out as a Q&A. Underneath the “When will World of Goo release on iPhone”, 2d Boy wrote “We’re polishing up the last of the Goo Balls, so as soon as we can. Hopefully sometime in March?”

As mentioned above, right now, Apple and World of Goo fans can play the game on the iPad. The iPad has a large screen, making the device ideally suited for the game. Up to 11 fingers can touch the iPad’s screen and play the game; you can play one handed, two handed, or with a few friends around you. The thing is that the iPhone doesn’t have such a large display. Here’s what 2d Boy had to say about the iPhone’s smallish screen.

“Screen size was our biggest concern too. But, against all expectations, the size of the screen was not much of an obstacle at all. After a few minutes of playing, my feeble human brain doesn’t even notice anymore. Even so, we’ve added pinch-zooming for those days when your fingers are feeling fat.”

So there you have it. This March (hopefully), World of Goo for iPhone will show up in the app store. Until then, have fun playing World of Good for iPad.

I mentioned above that World of Goo is an award-winning physics based. The game won, among other things, the Design Innovation and Technical Excellence Award at the 2008 Independent Games Festival and the Best Independent Game award at the 2008 Video Games Awards. TouchArcade and MetaCritic named it iPad Game of the Year.

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (28.02.2011)
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