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Yahoo! Mail Fights Spam Better and Smarter than the Competition
Yahoo! recently announced that its email service, the aptly named Yahoo! Mail, fights spam harder, smarter and better than any similar service out there – definitely better than Hotmail and Gmail. You might think that Yahoo! is tooting its own horn here, but you would be wrong in thinking that. Yahoo! just announced this fact; the ones to uncover it are the hard working men and women at the prestigious Fraunhofer Institute.

According to the Fraunhofer Institute, an independent research firm, Yahoo! Mail takes the #1 spot when it comes to keeping spam and malware out of the user’s inbox. As research performed by the Fraunhofer Institute revealed, Yahoo! Mail users saw 40% less spam than Hotmail users and 55% less spam than Gmail users.

The fact that spammers will use any trick in the book to propagate their spam messages comes as no surprise to anyone (see here, here or here). What may come as a surprise to you is how efficient Yahoo! Mail is at blocking these spam messages. According to Antispam Guru with Yahoo! Mail, Vish Ramaro, Yahoo’s filters catch more than 99% of spam traffic. Keeping in mind that there are about 300 million Yahoo! Mail users all over the world, it means that Yahoo! blocks more than 120 billion spam messages – per month. For each individual user, Yahoo! blocks on average 400 spam messages from making it to that user’s inbox – again, per month.

“We, at Yahoo! are proud about putting technology to work for our users. Under the hood, a complex system of spam filters is combing every mail coming into the system for spam signals and automatically detecting the spammers’ next steps. Every spam report counts and tells a little more about how to counteract unwanted email,” commented Vish Ramaro.

If you would like to set up a Yahoo! Mail account, you can do so here.
Learn how to create a Yahoo! Mail account

Category: Software | Added by: File-Post (10.02.2011)
Views: 220 | Tags: Soft news, Software Reviews, Latest Software Updates, Software News | Rating: 0.0/0
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