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 TV show fans that rely on torrents to get their fix may have noticed that popular torrent site EZTV, which specializes in TV shows, has been inaccessible for the past few days. Hit and all youa??ll get is a ... |
 If you have a mobile device running on Android 2.01 or later or an iPhone running on iPhone OS 3.X, you can take advantage of Googlea??s new search offering a??Near me now.a?? To iPhone and Android users Google provides the... |
 More bad news from China a?? after announcing that IMDb has been put behind the Great Firewall of China, we now hear that Baidu, the number one Chinese search engine has been defaced by a group of hackers calling themselves the a??Iranian Cyber Army.a??... |
 The American Dialect Society has voted for the 2009 word of the year and for the word of the decade. And the results are, drum rolls please, Tweet and Google... |
 With Windows 7, Redmond-based software giant Microsoft delivered on the promise of developing an operating system that would be better that XP and Vista a?? even if they reportedly had to draw inspiration from Mac OS X to come up with... |
 Last week we were reporting that the Mozilla Foundation is working on the first Firefox 3.6 RC1 builds. We start the week with great news for all the Firefox fans out there: the Mozilla Foundation has officially released Firefox 3.6 RC1... |
 Whenever I want to find out who starred in a specific movie, or if a movie is worth watching, I fire up my Firefox browser and head over to IMDb (Internet Movie Database). Everyone who wants to find out more about movies, actors and movie industry could do... |
 Last autumn Google Labs announced an offering called Fast Flip, an experiment meant to be provide a new reading experience, one that blends together the best parts of classic print articles with the best parts of online media... |
 Every Firefox fan out there (including myself) was hoping that Mozilla would release a final version of Firefox 3.6 by the end of 2009 a?? but that did not happen. The best we got was Firefox 3.6 Beta 5. Still, work on Firefox 3.6... |
 On the 7th of December 2009, at a special event at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in New York City, the first Beta version of Boxee was unveiled to the public. The cross-platform, open-source media center with... |