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 Opera Software is in the business of making browsers. For the desktop user therea??s Opera 10.10 a?? which comes with goodies such as Opera Turbo and Opera Unite. For the user who is always on the go, Opera software provides two mobile versions of... |
 As Principal Engineer with MacAfee, Adam Wosotowsky, explained a while back, most usersa?? password habits fall in one of 3 categories:... |
 Most of us get to see our parents only during the holidays a?? like for example the winter holidays. And each time we visit them, they get us to do stuff for them. In my case I always have to... |
 When Microsoft first announced Bing, it touted the fact that it is no a regular search engine. The company insisted Bing is a decision engine a?? because you know, it helps the user make a decision, not just search for stuff. As the winter holiday season is... |
 Here at FindMySoft we are big fans of the VLC media player. We like that it doesna??t cost a thing, works on various platforms, and play pretty much any media type straight out of the box. For those of you that already... |
 Back in August, Redmond-based software giant Microsoft was ordered by Judge Leonard Davis, of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, to stop selling Word 2007 in the US because it infringed a patent held... |
 Let me just start by saying that racism is wrong. No matter what color a persona??s skin is, he or she is still a human being. Now if the title got you all hyped up and thinking that HP is racist, let me clarify things for you. There is a... |
 In the Useful web services for the moviegoer category in our filling cabinet you will find the following:... |
 One of the most anticipated movies of the year is James Camerona??s Avatar, the story of a paraplegic soldier that finds himself in a struggle between following his commandera??s orders and protecting the world of the Naa??vi, the humanoid race that... |
 The holidays are upon us. Two days from now wea??ll be sitting around the Christmas tree drinking hot chocolate and singing Christmas carols a?? or wea??ll be getting our grove on at a Christmas party. Ia??m thinking the Yahoo! Messenger team is inclined to go... |