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 If you want to get an easy to use, properly good media player, then I suggest you get the Nullsoft developed Winamp player. Having it up and ready for use will take but a second if you follow the... |
 Earlier this month, computer users around the world were taken by surprise by a comment made by Google CEO Eric Schmidt. The comment made him, and the Mountain View-based search engine giant, look like a... |
 The fact that Linux Mint 8 Main and Universal Editions, as well as Linux Mint 8 x64 Final, have been released is good news for the Helena fan. The fact that popular physics-based game World of Goo has been added to Linux Mint 8 Helena is even better news... |
 Opera Software announced the release of the 2nd beta version of Opera Mobile 10 (the Windows Mobile as well as the Symbian version) at the start of the month. Both software applications come with an updated... |
 For about half an hour today, popular micro-blogging site Twitter was taken offline by a group of hackers calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army. Visitors to Twitter were redirected to a webpage... |