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 The freeware, first-person shooter, deathmatch game Alien Arena 7.51 has been released, the development team behind the game recently announced. Users of the Microsoft-developed Windows operating system as well as... |
 Yesterday, Mountain View-based search engine giant Google, pushed out an updated version of its Chrome browser on the dev channel. Google rolled out Chrome 11.0.696.12 for Macintosh,... |
 Earlier today we were reporting that Kaspersky Laba??s Kaspersky Internet Security 2011, because it is a properly good security software solution you could use to protect your Windows-powered computer, has won two more awards from reputable IT magazines. Switching focus away from the PC and ... |
 Today, the 11th of March, is a big day for iOS users as this is the day that iOS 4.3 goes live. Last week, on the 2nd of March, Apple gave developers the gold master seed of iOS 4.3. Today, the ... |
 One of the most popular games out there is the Rovio Mobile-developed Angry Birds game. If you dona??t know just how popular the game is, here are some figures to put things in perspective... |
 Rovio Mobile, via the Facebook page of Angry Birds, has just announced that you can win one of 10 free copies of Angry Birds Seasons, which has recently been updated in honor of St Patricka??s Day. ... |
 Right now, at our super secret headquarters, ita??s pretty cold. Ita??s as cold as in New York a?? but at least ita??s not raining (my Yahoo! Weather widget told me ita??s raining in NY at the time of writing this). If you, like me, are dreaming of ... |
 I have been waiting for this ever since Engineering Project Manager with Mozilla, Christian Legnitto, announced that there will be no more Beta releases after Firefox 4 Beta 12. Ever since that ... |
 There is no denying that when people think about the Cupertino-based company Apple, they picture Steve Jobs in their heads. Steve Jobs is undeniably the iconic figure of Apple. Herea??s a fun fact for ... |
 BitTorrent, the company that develops and maintains the BitTorrent protocol as well as the BitTorrent and the uTorrent software applications, has recently announced that it is working on a very novice-friendly BitTorrent client for Windows and it announced that it released a new Beta version of uTorrent for Mac... |